Stevenage Town - Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association

Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
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Stevenage Town

Member Clubs
STEVENAGE TOWN B.C. Founded 1942  - Tel: 01438 318445 (Club)
King George V Playing Field. Sish Lane Stevenage, Herts SG1 3LS
Hon. Secretary: Zakia Lewis - Tel: 07902 678445 (M)

Email Address:
Fixture Secretary: Steve Wilson Tel: 01438 725340 (H) 07541 123210 (M)
Email Address:
Club President: Keith Greenough - Tel: 01438 210929 (H)
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L & D.B.A., N.H.W.B.A
Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association
© 1987-2024 Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association (All rights reserved)
© 1987-2024 Stevenage & District Mixed Bowls Association (All rights reserved)
The aim of this Association is to encourage clubs in the Stevenage & District Area to play Mixed Bowls - Since 1987
WebMaster: Mike Parsons
The aim of this Association is to encourage clubs in the Stevenage & District Area to play Mixed Bowls - Since 1987
WebMaster: Mike Parsons
The aim of this Association is to encourage clubs in the Stevenage & District Area to play Mixed Bowls - Since 1987
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